WSPA » Współpraca miÄ™dzynarodowa » Projekty » Erasmus+ » Staff Mobility – Partner Countries

Staff Mobility – Partner Countries

Erasmus+ Programme, KA171

Erasmus+ Programme, KA171

Staff Mobility for Teaching/Staff Mobility for Training

Rules and criteria for Applicants – valid for academic year 2024/25

  1. Organization of the Staff Mobility, concerning both teaching (STA) and training (STT) mobilities must follow rules and regulations of the Inter-Institutional Agreement, duly signed between University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) and Higher Education Institution (HEI) from Partner Country, before the mobility takes place.
  1. Inter-Institutional Agreement has to be valid for the year, in which mobility period is planned and takes place (both STA and STT).
  1. The HEIs from Partner Countries have to have the valid Personal Identification Code (PIC)/ Organization ID (OID).
  1. Recommended duration of the mobility – 5 days, excluding travel days.
  1. Concerning STA mobility, the teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week. Criteria for candidates: Staff Mobility Agreement should be signed and accepted by all three parties (participant, sending university and receiving university) before the mobility, as well as the assessment of content quality of mobility program should be carried out. Merit quality of mobility programme should be assessed by evaluating: overall objectives of the mobility, added value of the mobility, content of the teaching programme, expected outcomes and impact of mobility.
  1. Eligible participants both for STA and STT are: staff working in a Partner Country HEI that holds the valid Inter-Institutional Agreement with WSPA.
  1. Number of EU-funded mobilities is restricted and based on the grant amount received by the WSPA and its distribution within each call announced by the National Agency (in Poland – FRSE).
  1. The main aims of the Erasmus+ mobility should be active participation and fulfillment of the mutually approved mobility program, that will take place in the Receiving Institution, in order to exchange experience, increase: internationalization, personal and professional skills as well as qualifications connected with work and responsibilities taken at the Home Institution.
  1. Evaluation criteria:

Incoming Staff mobility, evaluation is made by Sending Institution according to their criteria. 

Outgoing staff mobility, evaluation is made by WSPA (maximum score: 100 points)

  • aspect of details and topics covered in the proposed programme, max 45 points
  • level of English/language of the country to be visited (min. level required for STT – B2, for STA – C1), max 45 points
  • first time as Erasmus+ KA107/171 scholar, max 10 points
  1. All applications will be evaluated by 3-person evaluation team of:
  • Head of the International Office,
  • Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator,
  • WSPA’s Chancellor or Rector
  1. Application deadlines:
  • 15th of June
  • 30th of September
  • or according to deadlines announced for particular international event organized by WSPA
  1. Application results will be announced within 2 weeks. Each Applicant will receive written information about the result, and in case of denial, explanation concerning reasons of the decision. Applicant has 14 days to appeal from a decision, on internationaloffice@wspa.pl. In the situation, where there is as many places for EU-funded mobility as Partner HEIs, there will be one place per one Partner HEI assigned to create equal chances for taking part in the Erasmus+ mobility. If by the second deadline there will be none Applicant from  some of the Partner HEIs, the place will be available for Applicant from another Partner HEI, who received the highest score after evaluation.
  1. Documents required from each Participant (to be filled in and delivered before mobility stars):
  • WSPA’s/Host Institution Application Form
  • Staff Mobility Agreement for Training or Teaching
  • Grant Agreement
  1. At the end of the mobility period or at the latest within 2 weeks after (if any unexpected situation occurs), each Participant will receive the Certificate, that confirms realization of the Erasmus+ mobility program at the WSPA/Host Institution.
  1. Grant support for the mobility of Staff (both STA and STT), that each Participant will receive as a contribution to costs for travel and subsistence during the period abroad will be transferred to the bank account stated in the Grant Agreement. The 70% of financial support will be paid in form of bank transfer. Remaining 30% of financial support will be paid after mobility take place and online EU Survey will be submitted. Final transfer will be done within 3 weeks from the day of delivering the last required document needed to finalize the mobility.
  1. The total grant contribution to the travel costs is calculated automatically on the basis of travel distance: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/resources-and-tools/distance-calculator
  1. Amounts of the individual support and support to travel costs for Staff travelling from/to Partner Countries are calculated by the Beneficiary Module tool.
  1. Currency of the Erasmus+ mobility grant is EUR. 
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